Cool photographs by Itzehoe artist

Have a look at these great pictures from Nono rocks at:
OK I have to admit, that I am not 100% neutral, but my daughter´s pictures are really great. Guess who worked on my current XING-profile picture?

Early child development - Evian Baby Spot

These parents did a great job :-)

Google Home View

I was laughing like hell, when I found this on the great Blog from Andreas Voigtländer at :
Now I know how pixeling works :-)

Simplicity by Presentation Zen guru Garr Reynolds

Have a look at this great presentation on simplicity by the Presentation Zen guru Garr Reynolds at
43 Minutes of high quality content for free. This is one of the reasons, why I stopped watching regular TV.
You find a lot of more great stuff on this blog from smarties for smarties :-)

Impossible is nothing

... sometimes bad things can turn out good - so be flexible - think about it!

Indoor Skydiving in Bottrop

This was one of the presents for Nina´s confirmation. A great present from smart parents, as all of us three were in the air :-)

This is really one of the coolest events I have ever done.
You should see this on our faces :-)

So for all adrenalin junkies: Let´s fly.

More infos at:,default,pd.html

Randy Pausch the last lecture - now as book

I was deeply touched by Randy Pausch´s last lecture, when I saw it on youtube.
You can find it on my blog at:

Today, I found the book - also very intense - when I strolled through the bookstore in SPO:

You should also have a look at:

Dünentherme and Gosch in Sankt Peter Ording

When you plan a visit to the North Sea, you have to make a stop in Sankt Peter Ording. You find a long sandy beach there and Gosch opened a subsidiary 2 years ago. We always used to prefer the surf spot in SPO, but with Gosch, the decision becomes more difficult.

You find the calender of events at:

A great way to chill out is the Dünentherme. They have several Saunas and one of them with direct view to the sea.

Every last friday of the month they even have a Sauna night until 1am.  You can find more infos at:

This was the way we spent Nicole´s birthday today.

Culcha Candela - Monsta

Geiler Dancetrack:

... currently my favourite track while driving :-)

Watzlawick - when the solution is the problem

Have a look at this great speech from Paul Watzlawick - a great man:

Paul Watzlawick on how real is reality

A wonderful short video with a great philosophist:

Thank you Petra for this great link - read more from her on:

If you have not already read his "Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein", READ IT!
For those of you who deal with the US, you have to read his "Gebrauchsanweisung für Amerika".
A wonderful book about the US culture with a lot of great episodes.

iPad for cats

There seem to be some more iPad-lovers besides me. Have a look at this:

Isn´t this a really intuitive device? I just can´t wait for it!

Nike spot with Lance Armstrong

Sometimes people tell me that I look a bit like Lance Armstrong, but I think I still have to catch up with my cycling skills a bit :-)

So perhaps some new ideas for my triathlon training :-) Keep on swimming, biking and running!

My new eiPott - smartest easter present ever

Have a look at this really smart easter present from my super smart wife Nicole :-)

Happy easter time

I wish you and all your loved ones a happy easter time.

I will be skiing - see you back online in 2 weeks.