Surf World Cup Sylt

The Surf World cup in Sylt is back again. You can find more details, videos and livestreams on

Nicole and I will be there tomorrow. for all of you who don´t have a chance to be at this top-event, here are some impressions from one of the last ones:

Controlling Wiki from ICV

I just found a great controlling-wiki, hosted by the ICV (Internationaler Controller Verein).

You can find the English version at:

The German version is available at:

Heineken The Tube - great commercial :-)

For all of you who love this one:

Here is the next one:

So stay creative :-)
Thank you Oscar for the link!

Real passion for your customers - SN Airlines commercial

Have a look at how real passion for your customers looks like :-)

Great reference - isn´t it?
Many thanks to Oscar Schröder for the link!

iPhone killer xPhone

Have a look at this cool device. Throw away your iphone :-)

Thank you Lothar Seiwert for this cool link.

Office 2011 incl. Outlook for Mac to come in October 2010

For all of you, who (like me) love their Mac, but still work with Outlook in Parallels, here comes the solution:
Microsoft will bring Outlook to the Mac in October :-)

Here is a nice little video, with a short overview of the main new features:

I also like the new templates for Excel and I hope that the Pivot Tables will be working as well on the Mac as on Windows PCs.

New jekel & partner videos

As most of you might already know, my company jekel & partner ( is active in 3 areas:
And here are the brand new videos:

So if anybody of you or your friends have any demand in one of these areas, just give me a call (+49-4821/949 86 86) or send me an e-mail (

Find YOUR own style - Nike JUST DO IT dancer vs ballerina ad

A wonderful example of diversity:

So find your own style and just do it!

Roambi - great tool for dashboards on the iPad & iPhone

Have a look at:

This is a really cool visualisation tool for management dashboards.
It connects to several back-end systems, inclusing SAP and salesforce.
In the free version, you can use it to bring Excel-Reports on your iPad.

Here you can find more details:–-beautiful-mobile-bi-for-the-ipad.html

FastCompany Blog

I just found a smart blog on leadership and technology issues:

Have a look at these two interesting posts:
The first one on leadership:
The second one about the new facebook location based services:

There is much more interesting stuff on this webpage - so check it out!