Evernote business model

Have a look at this great presentation of the CEO of evernote, Phil Libin:

A lot of things to learn from him. Here are the best points (taken from the TechCrunch Blog):

  • Sometimes people say “The best product doesn’t always win”, and are implying that you should focus on other areas, like marketing. In the Internet age, a good product can get the rest of that stuff (marketing, etc.) for free. So focus on that. And then charge for it.
  • A year ago Evernote was making most of its money from licensing its technology, but it focused on its premium plans ($5/month or $45/year) because that was more scalable. Now, premium subscriptions bring in around $300-400k a month, and licensing represents around $45k.
  • Evernote has 3.1 million cumulative users, and adds around 10k a day. Around 68k paying customers.
  • Users have grown more valuable over time. New users convert to premium at a rate of .5%.  But of the users that signed up two years ago and are still active, 20% have become paid customers.
  • This trend is important — most users quit quickly. But the ones that stay become much more likely to pay over time.
  • Evernote’s cost per user is around 9 cents per active user per month. It makes around 25 cents per user per month. The site reached break even a year and a half ago.
  • Entrepreneurs should aim to be making money on each new active user as soon as possible. Otherwise scaling just means you’re losing money faster, rather than earning it

And even if you thing that the summary is enough, watch the video. Phil is really great.

World championship vuvuzela alarm with Bernie and Ert

For of you, who grew up with Sesame Street, like me, and love or hate the current vuvuzela hype:

Have fun and party :-)

Read a book - great radio ad from Grondrom - Ramses award

This is a really smart (German) radio add:

Thank you Alex Wunschel for this great link on the "Blick über den Tellerrand" podcast.

Real leadership

Have a look at this great video. This is real leadership - no words needed:

By the way - also a great example on group dynamics. What can we learn? Don´t be afraid, to blame yourself, but start and continue, even if it looks impossible. As soon as the second one joins in, no one can´t stop the dynamics of real leadership. My first leadership trainer even told me "blame yourself daily". A very wise recommendation, I now really understand.

I´m possible!

Thanks Warren Wodden for this great tweet. Another great example of how inspiring your twitter input can be!

Great conference videos on neuromarketing with Prof- Dr. Hans-Georg Häusel and others

All of you who are interested in neuromarketing, have a look at this great video mix of the 2008 neuromarketing conference (Neuromarketing - Auf der Suche nach dem Buy Button), with Prof Dr. Hans-Georg Häusel and others:

If you want to watch the whole conference (which is much smarter than watching regular TV bullshit), here you go:

Introduction by Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Häusel and lecture of Prof, Dr. Ernst Pöppel:

Dr. Bernd Weber and Martin Reiman:

Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Häusel and Christian Scheier:

Dr. Hans Wili Schroiff:

And there are a lot of more great videos for smarties on this channel. Check it out!

Great iPad spot

For all of you, who are not allready addicted to THE gadget, have a look at this great spot:

11 days left, before I can hold my iPad in my hand. It is really cruel to wait :-)

Ich wollte nie erwachsen sein - Peter Maffay live

... and another way to express the message of my previous post:

Think like our kids!

Think out of the box!

Have a look at this great video on creative problem solving:

So stop to restrict yourself and start to be creative!

Sylt an island for smarties - Gosch List

Gosch in List was always one of my favourite places in Sylt, but have a look what I discovered at my last visit on the first floor:
So Sylt is not only a place of romantic beaches, but also a place for smarties and I love this combination :-)
You can find more details of this spot at: