And another great youtube series on stats - this time on how to use SPSS:
What did the poor PhD students in the pre-youtube times do?
Great ANOVA lecture on youtube
When you are looking for an easy explanation of how to run an ANOVA in SPSS, have a look at this great lecture on youtube:
Great quant statistic course on youtube
I found a great channel on youtube, called the headlessprofessor.
This professor explains quantitative statistics, so that I can understand it easily.
My problem with the most statistical lectures I received, was that the professors were just too advanced on stats for me. This guy really makes quant stats for dummies.
I compiled the relevant videos from his channel here:
Please let me know, when you find other great sources like this. I am looking especially for easy to understand lectures on the more advanced bivariate and multivariate analysis concepts and tools.
I keep you updated on the headless professor. I have subscribed to his channel.
This professor explains quantitative statistics, so that I can understand it easily.
My problem with the most statistical lectures I received, was that the professors were just too advanced on stats for me. This guy really makes quant stats for dummies.
I compiled the relevant videos from his channel here:
Please let me know, when you find other great sources like this. I am looking especially for easy to understand lectures on the more advanced bivariate and multivariate analysis concepts and tools.
I keep you updated on the headless professor. I have subscribed to his channel.
Web Center for Social Research Methods
I just found an excellent link on research methods at:
Have a look at the knowledge base, which is a full online-textbook on research methods and on the statistical test selector, which helps you to identify the appropriate statistical test for your inferential statistics.
Sample size calculator
This is a great tool to calculate the sample size you need to get significant results in surveys:
The webpage also gives a good explanation of the underlying variables for the calculation.
The webpage also gives a good explanation of the underlying variables for the calculation.
2 great Dan Gilbert speeches on how we create happiness
Watch these 2 great Dan Gilbert speeches on how we create happiness:
Some really nice insights - also for neuro-marketing.
Some really nice insights - also for neuro-marketing.
Some good videos on doing your literature review
Have a look at these good videos on how to approach your literature review:
Great video and wikispace on action research
Here is a good short introduction on what action research is:
You can really find some good youtube-stuff on research methodology, especially as an entry point into some methodologies.
I also found a great wikispace on action research at:
You can really find some good youtube-stuff on research methodology, especially as an entry point into some methodologies.
I also found a great wikispace on action research at:
Stefanie Heinzmann unplugged
A great unplugged version of "My man is a mean man"
And there are more great unplugged songs from Silbermond and others on the Antenne Bayern youtube-channel.
And there are more great unplugged songs from Silbermond and others on the Antenne Bayern youtube-channel.
Entrepeneurship - Kopf schlägt Kapital - Prof Faltin
Posted by
TJ on tour
on Friday, March 26, 2010
Life leadership
Comments: (1)
Read this book:
It is one of the best books on entrepeneurship, I have ever read. Prof Faltin questions all classic assumptions on entrepeneurship. His main thesis is that it is not capital, but ideas who form enterprises and that enterprises can be formed out of existing modules in the market.
He is far more than a professor. He is the founder of the Teekampagne which is the world largest importer of Darjeeling tea. One very smart thesis from him is: not the customer is king, but common sense. He even says that you have to ignore your customers to create something really interesting and revolutionary, as many customers are like rear mirrors. They are extremely conservative and boring, they have no imagination and they do not know their real wishes. Very interesting, when you think about it and you will understand it, when you have read his book.
You can find more at:
and on the excellent blog at:
It is one of the best books on entrepeneurship, I have ever read. Prof Faltin questions all classic assumptions on entrepeneurship. His main thesis is that it is not capital, but ideas who form enterprises and that enterprises can be formed out of existing modules in the market.
He is far more than a professor. He is the founder of the Teekampagne which is the world largest importer of Darjeeling tea. One very smart thesis from him is: not the customer is king, but common sense. He even says that you have to ignore your customers to create something really interesting and revolutionary, as many customers are like rear mirrors. They are extremely conservative and boring, they have no imagination and they do not know their real wishes. Very interesting, when you think about it and you will understand it, when you have read his book.
You can find more at:
and on the excellent blog at:
The bucket list - very touching movie
Last week Nicole and me watched The bucket list (in German: Das Beste kommt zum Schluss) with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.
A really funny, but also very touching movie asking two questions:
-Have you found joy in your life?
-Have you brought joy to the life of others?
2 great questions to think about ...
A really funny, but also very touching movie asking two questions:
-Have you found joy in your life?
-Have you brought joy to the life of others?
2 great questions to think about ...
6 ways to filter information on the web
I just found a great blog post on how to filter information on the web on one of my favourite blogs on social media.
You can find it at:
You can find it at: to find out the best seats on airplanes
For all of you who are flying regularly, have a look at:
On this site you can find the seat layout of all major airlines and their planes, making it easier to make a reservation for a better seat.
Posted by
TJ on tour
on Monday, March 22, 2010
iPhone apps,
IT Concepts,
IT tools tipps software,
Online marketing,
Other blogs
Comments: (0)
This is a great iPhone-Blog and it is one that the professionals are reading:
Thank you Daniel Magin for the info and the great iPhone & iPad conference today.
Free course to develop iPhone and iPad applications
For all of you who want to learn how to develop software for the iPhone and the iPad, have a look at:
This is a great course from Stanford University. I had the pleasure to meet one of the lecturers life today.
Simpsons at Saturn in Hamburg
I always loved the Saturn Mega-Store in Hamburg.
Yesterday, I found another reason, for this. Have a look:
Yesterday, I found another reason, for this. Have a look:
50 Erfolgsmodelle - great book
Yesterday I spent over 4h in 2 bookstores and this is one of the great books I found:
A very smart best of book and a funny read. It is one of the top 5 swiss business books at the moment.
Read more about it at:
and you can download the pictures directly at:
They also offer a download version for the iPhone and iPodTouch and a blog with some more funny stuff at:
A very smart best of book and a funny read. It is one of the top 5 swiss business books at the moment.
Read more about it at:
and you can download the pictures directly at:
They also offer a download version for the iPhone and iPodTouch and a blog with some more funny stuff at: great service to check files for viruses
My daddy gave me a great Internetlink to analyse files for viruses.
It is free and helps you, when you are not sure, whether a file is infected or not.
Here is the link:
Thank you Werner!
It is free and helps you, when you are not sure, whether a file is infected or not.
Here is the link:
Thank you Werner!
Playing with words - Wortspiele
Those of you who know me a bit better, know, that I love to play with words.
Last week Olaf Draffehn forwarded me some really great lines.
Thank you very much again for this.
And now have fun (in German, as this is really difficult to translate without loosing the spirit):
Ist das hier der Bodensee, weil ich hier den Boden seh?
Ob sich wohl der Schlitten vom Weihnachtsmann rentiert?
Last week Olaf Draffehn forwarded me some really great lines.
Thank you very much again for this.
And now have fun (in German, as this is really difficult to translate without loosing the spirit):
Ist das hier der Bodensee, weil ich hier den Boden seh?
Ob sich wohl der Schlitten vom Weihnachtsmann rentiert?
Wenn die Stiftung Warentest Vibratoren testet, ist dann 'befriedigend' besser als 'gut'?
Wie soll sich der Bauer verhalten, wenn seine Frau sagt: 'Sieh zu, dass du Land gewinnst!!'
Beantwortet die große Kerze die Frage der kleinen Kerze, ob Durchzug gefährlich sei, mit den Worten: 'Davon kannst du ausgehen?'
Ist ein freier Platz zwischen zwei Ständen auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt eigentlich eine Marktlücke?
Lohnt es sich für Eintagsfliegen, morgens ein Tagebuch anzufangen?
Wenn ein Schäfer seine Schafe verhaut, ist er dann ein Mähdrescher?
Warum ist einsilbig dreisilbig?
Warum gibt es kein anderes Wort für Synonym?
Was passiert, wenn man sich zweimal halbtot gelacht hat?
Wenn man einen Schlumpf würgt, in welcher Farbe läuft er dann an?
Wer hatte bloß die Idee, ein S in das Wort "lispeln" zu stecken?
Was ist besser: Drei Vierkornbrötchen oder vier Dreikornbrötchen?
Macht man den Meeresspiegel kaputt, wenn man in See sticht?
Was machen die Fahrer von Automatikwagen in einem Schaltjahr?
Können sich Eltern, die sich mit ihrer Tochter verkracht haben, überhaupt irgendwann mit ihr aussöhnen?
Dürfen Zwerge auf dem Riesenrad mitfahren?
Heißen Teigwaren Teigwaren, weil sie vorher Teig waren?
Kann man sich den Arztbesuch sparen, wenn man schon in der Telefonzentrale verbunden wird?
Darf man in einem Weinkeller auch mal lachen?
Macht vier plus vier sieben wenn man nicht acht gibt?
Wo kriegt man die Getränke, die im Wald die Tannen zapfen?
Wenn ich am Strand eine schöne Frau anspreche - die das aber doof findet - krieg ich dann einen Strandkorb?
Warum glauben einem die Leute sofort, wenn man ihnen sagt, dass es am Himmel 400 Milliarden Sterne gibt, aber wenn man ihnen sagt, dass die Bank da frisch gestrichen ist, dann müssen sie draufpatschen
Können Stammgäste überhaupt auf einen grünen Zweig kommen?
Welches Shampoo hilft gegen Nikoläuse?
Leiden Bäcker unter Abschiedsschmerz, wenn sie jeden morgen einen Hefeteig gehen lassen müssen?
Wieso passiert immer genau so viel, wie in die Zeitung passt?
Kommen kleine Leute nach einer Steuererhöhung eigentlich noch an ihr Lenkrad?
Können Glatzköpfe auch mal eine Glückssträhne haben?
Muss auf Schiffen der Ofen, in dem die Brötchen gebacken werden immer links stehen, bloß weil da Backbord ist?
Kann einem überhaupt etwas passieren, wenn am Auto die Bremsen versagen, man aber einen Anhalter im Wagen hat?
Könnte man sich nicht das Verbandszeug sparen, wenn man sich das Knie gleich an Pflastersteinen aufschlägt?
Aus welchem Material ist eine Holz-Eisenbahn?
Darf man mit einem Kugelschreiber auch Würfel oder Pyramide schreiben?
Ist ein Keks, der unter einem Baum liegt, nicht ein wunderbar schattiges Plätzchen?
Wird das Internet eigentlich leichter, wenn man sich da was runterlädt?
Ist es bedenklich, wenn im Park ein Goethe-Denkmal durch die Bäume schillert?
... to be continued :-)
Stadler +Waldorf commenting the week - Muppet show
and now the coolest comment for the upcoming weekend :-)
Best example for how to fuck up with closed questions - Willy Brandt at his best :-)
Have a look at this great interview with Willy Brandt. I nearly crashed my car when I heard it in the radio for the first time, as I was laughing like hell :-D
So keep on asking SMART questions :-)
So keep on asking SMART questions :-)
iPad my new toy for the boy
I just can´t wait to get this new toy in my hands:
Can it please be end of April - NOW ?!
Can it please be end of April - NOW ?!
Muppets Verkaufen Verkaufen Verkaufen
Posted by
TJ on tour
on Thursday, March 11, 2010
Life leadership
Comments: (0)
Have a look at this great speech:
Thank you Axel for this great link :-)
Thank you Axel for this great link :-)
A great link for all smarties :-)
Some of their ideas, which I fully advocate:
-Limit the time you take for thinking about options
-be open minded and ignore all reasons not to start
-generate 9 options in 2 minutes
-use visualisation
Another proof of the fact that speed has nothing to do with less quality, but often the other way round.
Some of their ideas, which I fully advocate:
-Limit the time you take for thinking about options
-be open minded and ignore all reasons not to start
-generate 9 options in 2 minutes
-use visualisation
Another proof of the fact that speed has nothing to do with less quality, but often the other way round.
B-Net great resource on management and more
Have a look at B-Net. You can find them at:
It is a great resource of videos, white papers, webcasts and more.
I found a lot of great stuff in the management category.
Just to give you an example: a video on post merger integration:
It is a great resource of videos, white papers, webcasts and more.
I found a lot of great stuff in the management category.
Just to give you an example: a video on post merger integration: